Time For Change: Today
Time is not something that can be touched in hand, but it is felt. It cannot be seen, but it can be visualized.
Time is inevitable and uncertain. It is beyond our grasp.
History books tell us of times written of the past while archeological records coupled with carbon dating reveal prior times. But, what about our own experiences with time?
Time is defined as a non-spatial continuum that is measured in terms of events which succeed one another from past through present to future, according to Merriam Webster.
As time relates to the individual, Thomas Carlyle, captured the short and fleeting nature of time: “One Life; a little gleam of Time between two Eternities; no second chance to us forevermore!”
While there is no second chance, with each breath inhaled, a new opportunity for a time to change fills us.
The historical past leading to a person’s birth as well as their personal past up until this very moment play an important role in shaping present character, thoughts, motives, and actions. While the bygone occurrences cannot be altered, the future is yet unwritten.
The future is unwritten, yet uncertain. No one knows when their last day is, and yet so many individuals live under the premise of “unlimited tomorrows.” In interviews, a common question is: “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” Yet, for most people, the accuracy of the response when ten years befalls is actually far off course.
The present moment is the only certainty and we are given the gift to decide what to do with the time.
James Clear in his book Atomic Habits, explains how habits, or daily routines and regularly performed practices, shape and individual’s identity. The principle of Decisive Moments he describes in Chapter 13 is one I have experienced through one small habit of waking up early. On days I wake up on time to start my day off as I desire to, I am far more likely to have a good day versus on days when I chose to sleep in instead.
What is one choice you can take right now, today, that will set you on a trajectory to have a good day and ultimately live a good life? Yesterday has passed, tomorrow is not guaranteed, today it’s time for change!